Write MESH-readable sets.

 mesh_write_set(+SentenceSemanticsMappings, +File) is det
mesh_write_set(+DiscourseSemanticsMappings, +File) is det
Write all sentence-semantics, semantics-sentence, discourse-semantics, semantics-discourse, or sentence-sentence Mappings to File in MESH-readable format. Files start with a dimensions specification:
Dimensions # #

where the first '#' is an integer indicating the input vector size, and the second '#' an integer indicating target vector size. The remainder of the file consists of item blocks:

Sentences format:

Name "sentence"
Meta "semantics"
Input # # # Target # #
Input # # # Target # #


where 'sentence' is a sentence, and 'semantics' its formatted FOL semantics. The '#'s are the integer units of the input/target vectors.

Discourse format:

Name "sentence1 #### sentence2"
Meta "semantics1 #### semantics2"
Input # # # Target # #
Input # # # Target # #


where 'sentence1' and 'sentence2' are sentences of a discourse, and 'semantics1' and 'semantics2' the (possibly) varying semantics for the two sentences. The single '#'s are the integer units of the input/target vectors, and the '####' string is a sentence divider.

 mesh_write_atomic_prop_set(+ModelSet, +File) is det
Write a MESH-readable set of atomic propositions:
Dimensions # #

Name "sentence"
Meta "semantics"
Input # # # Target # #
Input # # # Target # #

For each atomic proposition, the input vector is the zero vector with number of dimensions equal to the number of words produced by dfs_words/1, and the target vector is the vector encoding the atomic proposition.