dfs_sentences.pl -- Sentence generation

Generation of sentence-semantics (and vice versa) mappings.

 dfs_sentences(-SenSemTuples) is det
SenSemTuples is a list of all sentence-semantics mappings generated.
 dfs_words(-Words) is det
Words is the set of all lexical items generated.
 dfs_localist_word_vectors(-WordVectors) is det
WordVectors is a list of tuples (Word,Vector) where Vector is a localist vector representation for each Word generated.
 dfs_map_sentence_onto_semantics(+SenSemTuple, +WVecs, +ModelSet, -Mapping) is det
Mapping is a quadruple (Sen,Sem,[SenVecs],[SemVec]), where SenVecs is a word-by-word vector-based mapping of a sentence (Sen) onto single SemVec, a vector representation of its semantics (Sem).

Word vector representation (WVecs) are pre-specified (e.g., using dfs_localist_word_vectors/1), and a vector representation of the sentence meaning, specified by the formula Sem, is derived from ModelSet.

 dfs_sentence_semantics_mappings(+WVecs, +ModelSet, -Mappings) is det
Mappings is a list of quadruples (Sen,Sem,[SenVecs],[SemVec]).
See also
- dfs_map_sentence_onto_semantics/4
 dfs_map_semantics_onto_sentence(+SenSemTuple, +WVecs, +ModelSet, -Mapping) is det
Mapping is a quadruple (Sen,Sem,[SemVec],[SenVecs]), where SemVec is a vector representation of a sentence semantics (Sem), and SenVecs a word-by-word vector-based representation of the corresponding sentence (Sen).

Word vector representation (WVecs) are pre-specified (e.g., using dfs_localist_word_vectors/2), and a vector representation of the sentence meaning, specified by the formula Sem, is derived from ModelSet.

 dfs_semantics_sentence_mappings(+WVecs, +ModelSet, -Mappings) is det
Mappings is a list of quadruples (Sen,Sem,[SemVec],[SenVecs]).
See also
- dfs_map_semantics_onto_sentence/4
 dfs_map_sentence_onto_sentence(+SenSemTuple, +InWVecs, +OutWVecs, -Mapping) is det
Mapping is a quadruple (Sen,Sem,[InSenVecs],[OutSenVecs]), where InSenVecs and OutSenVecs are word-by-word vector-based representations of the corresponding sentence (Sen).
 dfs_sentence_sentence_mappings(+InWVecs, +OutWVecs, -Mappings) is det
Mappings is a list of quadruples (Sen,Sem,[InSenVecs],[OutSenVecs]).
See also
- dfs_map_sentence_onto_sentence/4.
 dfs_prefix_continuations(+Prefix, SemSenMappings) is det
SemSenMappings is a list of all tuples (Sen,Sem), where sentence Sen is a possible continuation of Prefix, and Sem its corresponding FOL semantics.
 dfs_prefix_frequency(+Prefix, -Frequency) is det
Frequency is the occurence frequency of sentence Prefix.
 dfs_sentence_frequency(+Sentence, -Frequency) is det
Frequency is is the occurrence frequency of Sentence.