dfs_io.pl -- IO

Basic IO and pretty printing facilities.

 dfs_write_models(+ModelSet, +File) is det
Writes ModelSet to File.
 dfs_read_models(+File, -ModelSet) is det
Reads ModelSet from File.
 dfs_write_matrix(+ModelMatrix, +File) is det
Write ModelMatrix to File.
 dfs_read_matrix(+File, -ModelMatrix) is det
Read ModelMatrix from File.
 dfs_pprint_formula(+Formula) is det
Pretty print a first-order logic formula.
 dfs_pprint_model(+Model) is det
Pretty print a model.
 dfs_pprint_propositions(+Model) is det
Pretty print the propositions of Model.
 dfs_pprint_matrix(+ModelMatrix) is det
Pretty print ModelMatrix.
 dfs_pprint_constraints is det
Pretty print model constraints.
 dfs_pprint_entailments(+Entailments) is det
Pretty print entailments.