
Projective Discourse Representation Theory

What is pdrt-sandbox?

PDRT-SANDBOX is a Haskell library that implements Discourse Representation Theory (DRT), and its extension Projective Discourse Representation Theory (PDRT).

The implementation includes a translation from PDRT to DRT and First-order Logic, composition via different types of merge, and unresolved structures based on Montague Semantics, defined as Haskell functions.

PDRT-SANDBOX is created by Harm Brouwer and Noortje Venhuizen.

The library is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

[ screenshot 1 | screenshot 2 ]

Where can I download pdrt-sandbox?

To obtain the current version of PDRT-SANDBOX, you can either clone our github repository or download it as zip file directly.

I found a Bug, now what?

Send us an e-mail with the exact details of how to reproduce the malfunction (and a screenshot demonstrating it). Or, you can fork our source repository at github, fix the bug, and send us a pull request.

Is there any documentation available?

Yes. Take a look at the official Haddock documentation. You can also check out some worked out example-files below, which illustrate several options of PDRT-SANDBOX.

[ DRS tutorial | PDRS tutorial ]

I used pdrt-sandbox in my research. What should I cite?

If you want to refer to PDRT-SANDBOX in your publications, please cite:

Venhuizen, N. J., Bos, J., Hendriks, P. and Brouwer, H. (2018). Discourse Semantics with Information Structure. Journal of Semantics, 35(1), pp. 127-169. doi: 10.1093/jos/ffx017 [paper]

Other relevant publications, and materials

Venhuizen, N. J., Bos, J., Hendriks, P. and Brouwer, H. (2014). How and Why Conventional Implicatures Project. In: Proceedings of the 24rd Semantics and Linguistics Theory Conference (SALT24), pp. 63-83, May 30-June 1, New York, United States. [paper] [poster]

Venhuizen, N. J. and Brouwer, H. (2014). PDRT-SANDBOX: An implementation of Projective Discourse Representation Theory. In: Rieser, V. and Muller, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, SemDial 2014 - DialWatt, pp. 249-251, September 1-3, Edinburgh, Scotland. [paper] [poster]

Venhuizen, N. J. and Brouwer, H. (2014). Harnessing Projection: A Formal Implementation of Projective Discourse Representation Theory. Talk presented at CLIN24, January 17, Leiden, The Netherlands. [slides]

Venhuizen, N. J., Bos, J. and Brouwer, H. (2013). Parsimonious Semantic Representations with Projection Pointers. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS'13), March 19-22, Potsdam, Germany. [paper]


Email me-at-hbrouwer.eu or njvenhuizen-at-gmail.com

University of Groningen Center for Language and Cognition Groningen Groningen Meaning Bank